No tsunami but changes aplenty.
As we embark on the New Year, let’s quickly recap some of the legislation changes, significant cases, and other interesting issues that impacted the insolvency landscape in Australia during 2021. New bankruptcy threshold of $10,000 On 1 January 2021, the personal bankruptcy threshold permanently changed with the minimum amount of debt that can trigger bankruptcy now $10,000. The $10,000 limit replaced the temporary threshold of $20,000, which the government implemented as part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. Notably, prior to COVID-19’s onset, the threshold was $5,000. Small business restructuring process 1 January 2021 also saw the new small business restructuring process (SBRP) and simplified liquidations commence. Touted by the government as part of the most significant changes to the insolvency framework in almost 30 years, the new legislation can only be described as a fizzer with a meagre 30 SBRP appointments and 19 converting to restructuring plans across the country to 30 November 2021. Bankruptcy Regulations 2021 On 1 April 2021, the Bankruptcy Regulations 1996 were replaced by the Bankruptcy Regulations 2021. These amendments are largely minor and technical in nature, aimed at modernising references, ensuring alignment with the Bankruptcy Act 1966, and clarifying provisions that previously caused confusion or administrative inefficiencies.
Review of the insolvent trading safe harbour.
Clarifying the treatment of trusts under insolvency law.